Sunday, December 23, 2007

Bigger Cake = Better Cake?

Okay - I was rather full of myself for finding a single link between Soupy Sales and Roy Orbison . . .
"Wow! What an impressivistic feat of 'drill-down-discography' I has performed!" Ho-hum.
As I looked into the related links to the scant Soupy Sales recording career, I had chosen not to investigate a name that was familiar to me: Jack Nitzsche. I remembered seeing his name on Neil Young albums back in the 70's.
I crowed to my challenger that I had managed to make the link with one step (three degrees). After a bit of back-and-forth Joe sent his version of the picture, which went from Soupy to Jack to Phil Spector to the Beatles to Roy.
A much richer picture by far, and so it was the path that I chose to use on the show yesterday. I mean, how could you not use a link that let you refer to The Travelling Wilburys - surely a goldmine for this sort of endeavor.

1 comment:

MQM said...

Whup - sorry, but it looks like some of the links in the post have expired. I guess I should have looked at the 'Sell By' dates . . . .